Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

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Iscritto il: sabato 30 aprile 2011, 17:18

Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#1 Messaggio da leggere da gunteman » sabato 30 aprile 2011, 17:31

Hi! Sorry for writing in English.

My sister lives in Bologna, and true to her Swedish heart she drives a Saab, a 9-3OG. It has required quite a lot of service lately, and the latest thing is the need to replace the front shock absorbers. She has received a quote from a local service shop, but to me, as a Swede, it sound quite expensive.

The parts

Ammortizzatori 5056858 x 2
Supporti 5060892 x 2
Cuscinetti 4909701 x 2

The total cost, including labour, is estimated to €1000. Isn't that a bit much? I've replaced all four shock absorbers on my 9-5 for half that price in Sweden.

Any advice I can pass along to my sister?

Gunnar from Sweden

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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#2 Messaggio da leggere da vinsempre » sabato 30 aprile 2011, 17:48

Welcome :)

I think that it is too much 1.000 for this work; it's an "armed robbery" :thief:

I don't have a 9.3OG, but someone here will answer you about a right payment.

Your sister need a more honest dealer........someone near Bologna will advice you :)

Stay tuned........


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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#3 Messaggio da leggere da ZioTom » sabato 30 aprile 2011, 18:24

Ok Vins, but che cost including labour... and I think that labour cost 40€/hour.. Single parts are not expensive, but you'll have a lot of work if you want to change something in that car's area..
Sweden is surely cheapest for Saab's parts, you can not make a comparison with Italy.

I think the right price could be 800€, but not less...
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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#4 Messaggio da leggere da vinsempre » sabato 30 aprile 2011, 18:51

I agree with you, Zio Tom.

Ammortizzatori 5056858 ---> £ 173x2 = £ 346= € 390 (Without discount) ... _5056858-3

Supporti 5060892 ---> £ 121x2 = £ 242 = € 272 (Without discount) ... 60892-Conv

Cuscinetti 4909701 ---> £ 20x2 = £ 40 = € 45 ... ts_id=2865

Total amount for parts: € 707 (Without any discount)

If the labour is 50€/hour (in worst case), it's about 6 hour of labour paying 1.000 euros........


MY92 Saab 900 Cabriolet EP Aero                                                                                   MY96 Saab 9000 Turbo 16v CSE

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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#5 Messaggio da leggere da ZioTom » sabato 30 aprile 2011, 19:35

This is internet price, for every single part..
If you buy everything from the garage of the official car dealer, prices will be higher...
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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#6 Messaggio da leggere da vinsempre » sabato 30 aprile 2011, 19:46

I take the highter price, without discount......i think that in Saab dealer is the same....

Look..... :)
capture.jpg (69.68 KiB) Visto 9293 volte


MY92 Saab 900 Cabriolet EP Aero                                                                                   MY96 Saab 9000 Turbo 16v CSE

EX - MY85 Saab 900 Turbo 16 S Coupè
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EX - MY06 Saab 9-3NG SportSedan 1.9 Tid

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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#7 Messaggio da leggere da autoeconomo » sabato 30 aprile 2011, 19:46

2010 official dealer price, without VAT:

5056858= 196 Euro

5060892= 134 Euro

4909701= 44 Euro
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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#8 Messaggio da leggere da vinsempre » sabato 30 aprile 2011, 19:51

autoeconomo ha scritto:2010 official dealer price, without VAT:

5056858= 196 Euro

5060892= 134 Euro

4909701= 44 Euro
OH MY GOD !!!!!!! :terryfyed:

It's about 900 euros with VAT (20%), only for parts!!!!! this case, 1.000 euros including labour is good...... :) sorry :)


MY92 Saab 900 Cabriolet EP Aero                                                                                   MY96 Saab 9000 Turbo 16v CSE

EX - MY85 Saab 900 Turbo 16 S Coupè
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EX - MY06 Saab 9-3NG SportSedan 1.9 Tid

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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#9 Messaggio da leggere da NickStick » sabato 30 aprile 2011, 19:54

Hi Gunnar,

once I was in Bologna area and the AC of my previous 9-3 OG 2.0T broke.
It was repaired by Autopanigale which was an "historical" Saab dealer there.
It was quite a long time ago but I remember I had a good service.

Maybe your sister can check also there.

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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#10 Messaggio da leggere da Lucantropo » sabato 30 aprile 2011, 19:59

Are we talking about a Saab Official Service?

196€ for each shock absorber autoeconomo?

Vins, she needs to replace only two front absorbers... not four.

It's about little more than 700€ for the parts (two for each) and about 3h for work.. the right price should be around 800-900€ for total work.. if the price of the parts is still that!

Gunnar, I think you should tell to your sister to ask to a non Saab Service if she wants to spare some money... buying the parts from a local non-Saab shop. She can obtain the same work for almost half price.

Unfortunately Saab original parts are very expensive here in Italy.

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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#11 Messaggio da leggere da vinsempre » sabato 30 aprile 2011, 20:21

Lucantropo ha scritto:Vins, she needs to replace only two front absorbers... not four.

It's about little more than 700€ for the parts (two for each)
I consider 2 Shock absorber:

196 (x2) + 134 (x2) + 44 (x2) = 748 + 20% VAT = 897 :wink:


MY92 Saab 900 Cabriolet EP Aero                                                                                   MY96 Saab 9000 Turbo 16v CSE

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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#12 Messaggio da leggere da marcofinnista » sabato 30 aprile 2011, 23:49

ATTUALI: - 9.5og 2.0T Wagon stage4, 9.3OG cabrio 2002 Anniversary b20X stage3, AUDI TT8N 1.8T, AUDI A3 8P 1.6TDI 
EX: 9.3OG Stg4, C900EP cabrio 1991 - 900talladega stg4 - 900NG Aero Stg3 - 993SE 2.0T (Taliaferro stg1) - 9.5 2.0t '98 - 9.3 NG 2.2Tid '03 - 9000CSE2.0T'93 the best

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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#13 Messaggio da leggere da autoeconomo » domenica 1 maggio 2011, 4:31

Lucantropo ha scritto:Are we talking about a Saab Official Service?

196€ for each shock absorber autoeconomo?
I don't know, the list price says only "Parte"
Saab passate: 900 Sedan Turbo, 9000CD, 9000CSE, 9-5 SE, 900NG Aero, Saab 9-3NG Vector MY03
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Iscritto il: sabato 30 aprile 2011, 17:18

Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#14 Messaggio da leggere da gunteman » domenica 1 maggio 2011, 16:04

Wow! Thanks a lot for all your replies! I guess the conclusion can be that it was a tad expensive, but not ridiculously so. The parts indeed seem to be very expensive in Italy...The total cost (on the web) can be almost be pushed down to 400€ here, plus 2 hours of labour.

I'l tell her to check with other shops, and that maybe 800€ would be more reasonable.

Thanks again, fellow Saabers!

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Iscritto il: sabato 15 ottobre 2005, 17:13
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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#15 Messaggio da leggere da Lucantropo » domenica 1 maggio 2011, 20:11

vinsempre ha scritto:
Lucantropo ha scritto:Vins, she needs to replace only two front absorbers... not four.

It's about little more than 700€ for the parts (two for each)
I consider 2 Shock absorber:

196 (x2) + 134 (x2) + 44 (x2) = 748 + 20% VAT = 897 :wink:
Oh fu**.. :fainted:

9-3 Sport-Sedan Vector Sentronic, 2010. 2.0 turbo 220cv by MapTun
Ex: 9-3 Cabriolet Full Sport Package 1999 / 900 Talladega Cabriolet 1997 / 9000 Turbo 1991 / 900 Turbo Sedan 4p 1985.
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Iscritto il: sabato 15 ottobre 2005, 17:13
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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#16 Messaggio da leggere da Lucantropo » domenica 1 maggio 2011, 20:14

gunteman ha scritto:Wow! Thanks a lot for all your replies! I guess the conclusion can be that it was a tad expensive, but not ridiculously so. The parts indeed seem to be very expensive in Italy...The total cost (on the web) can be almost be pushed down to 400€ here, plus 2 hours of labour.

I'l tell her to check with other shops, and that maybe 800€ would be more reasonable.

Thanks again, fellow Saabers!
I think that the better choice would we to buy the parts on Internet, as we often do.

E-Bay, PartsForSaabs and so on... you can buy all the parts for around 400€.. + 2/3hours of work in a local, honest, non-Saab service (according with them for buyng parts elsewhere.. not always possible).. Total around 5-600€.

Ask her if there is somebody who knows which could suggest a trusted local service..

9-3 Sport-Sedan Vector Sentronic, 2010. 2.0 turbo 220cv by MapTun
Ex: 9-3 Cabriolet Full Sport Package 1999 / 900 Talladega Cabriolet 1997 / 9000 Turbo 1991 / 900 Turbo Sedan 4p 1985.
+ Lexus CT200h

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Iscritto il: sabato 30 aprile 2011, 17:18

Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#17 Messaggio da leggere da gunteman » domenica 1 maggio 2011, 20:24

That's a good idea, Lucantropo. Thanks!


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Iscritto il: sabato 15 ottobre 2005, 17:13
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Re: Parts and labour cost, Saab 9-3

#18 Messaggio da leggere da Lucantropo » domenica 1 maggio 2011, 21:21

It's a duty for any other Saab enthusiast. :wink:

9-3 Sport-Sedan Vector Sentronic, 2010. 2.0 turbo 220cv by MapTun
Ex: 9-3 Cabriolet Full Sport Package 1999 / 900 Talladega Cabriolet 1997 / 9000 Turbo 1991 / 900 Turbo Sedan 4p 1985.
+ Lexus CT200h


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