Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

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Iscritto il: domenica 10 aprile 2016, 8:59
Località: Athens, GR

Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#1 Messaggio da leggere da chris_de_ze » domenica 10 aprile 2016, 9:57

Hello fellow Saab friends in neighboring Italy!
My greetings to everyone. Ηappy to join this forum.
I am Greek-Canadian and I live and work in Athens, Greece.
I own a Saab 9-3ss Aero 2.0T and an Alfa Romeo 147 1.6TS.
I am also the owner and site moderator of the Greek Saab Forum (http://www.saabforum.gr), which is also powered by phpBB, as your forum does.

There is a high probability of me moving to Pesaro, Italy, for a short period (1-2 years) as part of my job duties in the company I work for.

I was thinking of bringing my Saab to Italy by ferry (Athens-Patra-Ancona-Pesaro).
What I am skeptical though is if there would be any competent garage shops near Pesaro for service or repairs in case something goes wrong with the car.
Does anybody (who is living near Pesaro) know any competent garage shops?
Thank you and enjoy your Saab's.

PS: I am reading your forum webpages by using google translate because I can't read/speak Italian (sorry).
Saab 9-3ss Aero 2.0T MT6, Maptun Stage 1 & Intercooler, Saab Prestige sports suspension
Founder and Site Moderator of the Greek Saab Forum: http://www.saabforum.gr

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Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#2 Messaggio da leggere da marcofinnista » domenica 10 aprile 2016, 10:21

Welcome :bigsmile:
ATTUALI: - 9.5og 2.0T Wagon stage4, 9.3OG cabrio 2002 Anniversary b20X stage3, AUDI TT8N 1.8T, AUDI A3 8P 1.6TDI 
EX: 9.3OG Stg4, C900EP cabrio 1991 - 900talladega stg4 - 900NG Aero Stg3 - 993SE 2.0T (Taliaferro stg1) - 9.5 2.0t '98 - 9.3 NG 2.2Tid '03 - 9000CSE2.0T'93 the best

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Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#3 Messaggio da leggere da NickStick » domenica 10 aprile 2016, 10:52

Hi Chris, welcome!

At least two of our members are in Pesaro area:

- giammacabrio is in Rimini

- jpm is in San Marino

I think they will be able to address you to the right shop, just in case. :)
Immagine "Una Saab per sempre nel cuore" 10 Saab in famiglia dall'82 al 2017.

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Messaggi: 5
Iscritto il: domenica 10 aprile 2016, 8:59
Località: Athens, GR

Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#4 Messaggio da leggere da chris_de_ze » domenica 10 aprile 2016, 11:44

Thank you very much marcofinnista and NickStick. :beer:
Saab 9-3ss Aero 2.0T MT6, Maptun Stage 1 & Intercooler, Saab Prestige sports suspension
Founder and Site Moderator of the Greek Saab Forum: http://www.saabforum.gr

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Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#5 Messaggio da leggere da desertstorm » domenica 10 aprile 2016, 12:01

Benvenuto nel Saabwayforum :)


9.3 Erik Carlsson ... p h o t o ... => ? <= ... s t o r y ... my desertstorm

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Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#6 Messaggio da leggere da beyoung93 » domenica 10 aprile 2016, 16:28

Benvenuto in questo Forum :)

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Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#7 Messaggio da leggere da vinsempre » domenica 10 aprile 2016, 20:10



MY92 Saab 900 Cabriolet EP Aero                                                                                   MY96 Saab 9000 Turbo 16v CSE

EX - MY85 Saab 900 Turbo 16 S Coupè
EX - MY08 Saab 9-3NG SportSedan 2.8 V6 TurboX
EX - MY06 Saab 9-3NG SportSedan 1.9 Tid

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Iscritto il: domenica 10 aprile 2016, 8:59
Località: Athens, GR

Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#8 Messaggio da leggere da chris_de_ze » lunedì 11 aprile 2016, 22:30

Grazie ragazzi!
Saab 9-3ss Aero 2.0T MT6, Maptun Stage 1 & Intercooler, Saab Prestige sports suspension
Founder and Site Moderator of the Greek Saab Forum: http://www.saabforum.gr

Messaggi: 64
Iscritto il: giovedì 24 marzo 2016, 12:16

Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#9 Messaggio da leggere da Nove3 » mercoledì 13 aprile 2016, 1:19

Welcome! I'm from Pesaro! :))
9-5OG Aero Wagon 2.3 TS Sentronic

900NG S cabrio 2.0i

EX 9-3NG SH 1.9 TiD 150 Vector Sentronic

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Messaggi: 5
Iscritto il: domenica 10 aprile 2016, 8:59
Località: Athens, GR

Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#10 Messaggio da leggere da chris_de_ze » mercoledì 13 aprile 2016, 6:44

Hello Nove3!
Saab 9-3ss Aero 2.0T MT6, Maptun Stage 1 & Intercooler, Saab Prestige sports suspension
Founder and Site Moderator of the Greek Saab Forum: http://www.saabforum.gr

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Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#11 Messaggio da leggere da SUPERFRA » mercoledì 13 aprile 2016, 11:38


The user MarcoMaxi works here http://www.zeuscar.it/

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Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#12 Messaggio da leggere da Linoclem » mercoledì 13 aprile 2016, 14:13


In Pesaro you can find Ara auto for your Saab.
Saab 9.3 SH TTiD Aero sentronic by PtP marzo 2009

Messaggi: 64
Iscritto il: giovedì 24 marzo 2016, 12:16

Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#13 Messaggio da leggere da Nove3 » venerdì 15 aprile 2016, 20:16

Arauto tutto attaccato
:)) che poi magari non lo trova :D
9-5OG Aero Wagon 2.3 TS Sentronic

900NG S cabrio 2.0i

EX 9-3NG SH 1.9 TiD 150 Vector Sentronic

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Iscritto il: martedì 26 gennaio 2010, 19:15
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Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#14 Messaggio da leggere da jpm » venerdì 15 aprile 2016, 23:45

Welcome :))
SAAB 900 SE Talladega Sensonic my1997

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Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#15 Messaggio da leggere da Morris » sabato 16 aprile 2016, 16:12

Benvenuto!!!! :)
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Re: Buongiorno! New member (chris_de_ze) from Athens

#16 Messaggio da leggere da bananamobile » mercoledì 4 maggio 2016, 21:09

Welcome on this forum!

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk
Saab 9-3NG cabrio MY 2006 1.9TiD Linear M6.


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